Slieve Bloom Mountain Bike Trails

 There are currently 35km of new mountain bike trails (MTB), with trailheads at Kinnitty and Baunreagh. These trails, which are waymarked in one direction and designed specially for mountain bike use, vary in difficulty. They range from the grade trails: ‘blue’ (moderate, with some single-track sections) to ‘red’ (difficult/severe, with challenging climbs and tricky descent).

The trails have been developed by Coillte in partnership with Offaly and Laois County Councils and are funded by the Dept of Rural and Community Development.

There will eventually be 100km of biking tracks to explore on the Slieve Bloom Mountain Bike Trail, so keep an eye on the site for new developments!


Kinnitty MTB Trailhead

Welcome to the Slieve Bloom Mountain Bike Trail in Offaly. The Kinnity Trail is comprised of a network of purpose-built singletrack trails and forest roads that are designed for use by mountain bikes on a waymarked circular route. There are three routes to choose from, one of which is blue grade, the other two are more challenging red grade options.

The trails take the riders through beautiful forest and open land with fantastic views over Kinnitty Castle and beyond. Forest road climbs lead you into tight twisty singletrack with loads of fast descents, ups and downs, tight turns and technical rocky bits, guaranteed to leave you smiling! The trails are waymarked in one direction, please follow the arrows.The route uses multiple sections of forest roads and crosses many walking trails. You should expect to encounter vehicles and other forest users at any time.

In general, the trail is exposed on the upper slopes and can be very windy in poor weather. Please make sure your mountain bike is in good working order and that you have an appropriate level of fitness and skill level to undertake these trails. All riders should be appropriately dressed and wear a helmet at all times. Please ride with consideration for other forest users and control your speed.

Trail Description

  • Trail Waymarking: Mountain Bike Blue | Difficulty: Moderate

  • Start / Finish: Kinnitty village | Time: 90 to 120 minutes

  • Distance: 14.5km | Climb: 306m

This first trail loop is an open, flowing trail that constantly twists and turns and rises up and down with numerous tight, technical or challenging sections throughout (blue grade trail).

Leaving Kinnitty village the route shares the public road, so caution with traffic is needed. Turning right into Kinnitty GAA club, pick up the wide ‘dual direction’ trail leading riders onto the singletrack loop above. Riders will also travel this same trail in the opposite direction on their way back.

Riders beware of cyclists approaching in their direction. A long forest road climb gains elevation to bring you into the main singletrack and these sections are narrow, sometimes steep and up to 800mm in width, with variable surfaces including rock, roots, mud, loose stones and gravel that may become slippery when wet. The singletrack also crosses walking trails and forest roads at a number of points so watch out for walkers here.

The waymarked route joins and descends a short section of public road, where all riders must obey the rules of the road at all times. The remainder of the loop is on forest roads and you should expect to encounter vehicles and other forest users at any time on these parts of the loop.

The trail is exposed on the upper slopes and can be very windy in poor weather. Please make sure your mountain bike is in good working order and that you have an appropriate level of fitness and skill level to undertake these trails. All riders should be appropriately dressed and wear a helmet at all times. Please ride with consideration for the many other forest users and control your speed.

Trail Description

  • Trail Waymarking: River Run (Red Circle) | Difficulty: Difficult to Severe

  • Start / Finish: Kinnitty village | Time: 90 to 180 minutes

  • River Run Route: 12km | Climb: 220m

  • Full Route: 22km | Climb: 440m

This red grade route is difficult throughout with numerous severe sections along the route. The trails vary from fast and flowing to tight and technical. Frequently steep and narrow, with variable surfaces including rock, roots, mud, loose stones and gravel that may become slippery when wet. This trail is not for novice mountain bike riders.

The route shares the same outward leg as the Kinnitty Blue trail, climbing all the way from Kinnitty Village to ‘The Circuit Breaker’, a key point along your journey at the Slieve Bloom Mountain Bike Trails. Once here, there are two red grade routes to choose from, ‘River Run’ to the right or ‘Mountain Top’ straight ahead.

Highlights along the River Run route include the ‘ASAP’ trail, a fast flowing rocky descent which takes you to the county road. Exercise caution crossing the road and yield to motorists and road cyclists at this point. Next up is ‘The Cobbler’ trail, a meandering route that weaves through the Connor’s homestead, switch back climbs up through the most spectacular mature pine trees before plummeting down to meet the Camcor river. The ‘Valley Run’ trail journeys riders across the Stillbrook Hill into the next valley where the main descending section of River Run begins. ‘Secret Squirrel’, ‘Yeti’ and ‘Last Chance’ are the three main trails, each with their own unique flavour dropping you down to the Camcor river once again. Exercise caution crossing back over the public road and re connecting into the Kinnitty Blue loop. The River Run route is 12km long, or 22km when you factor in the connecting Kinnitty Blue loop. speed.

Trail Description

  • Trail Waymarking: Mountain Top (Red Square) | Difficulty: Difficult to Severe

  • Start / Finish: Kinnitty village | Time: 120 to 210 minutes

  • Mountain Top Route: 12km | Climb: 300m

  • Full Route: 30km | Climb: 520m

    This red grade route is difficult throughout with numerous severe sections along the route. The trails vary from fast and flowing to tight and technical. Frequently steep and narrow, with variable surfaces including rock, roots, mud, loose stones and gravel that may become slippery when wet. This trail is not for novice mountain bike riders.

The route shares the same outward leg as the Kinnitty Blue trail, climbing all the way from Kinnitty Village to ‘The Circuit Breaker’. Once here, there are two red grade routes to choose from, ‘River Run’ to the right or ‘Mountain Top’ straight ahead.

There are six single track descents along the ‘Mountain Top’ route starting with ‘Twist & Shout’, the definition of a flow trail with over 40 berms and zero pedalling required! A short forest road traverse brings you to ‘Road Runner’, a highspeed swoopy trail which descends to the historic Lime Kiln. Exercise caution as you cross the county road and yield to motorists and road cyclists at this point. Next up is the ‘Mitchells’ trail, a meandering route that skirts the Mitchell’s family homestead, across the old bridge and down to the forest road. Flintstones is a short and snappy, feature rich descent with plenty of fun to be had. After a short forest road climb you will meet the final trails in the Mountain Top route and these are the signature descents in the Slieve Bloom Offaly trail network, ‘Donkey Kong’ which connects into ‘Nature Valley’. Exercise caution as you join the River Run route which will take you back to Kinnitty Village. The River Run route is 12km long, or 22km when you factor in the connecting Kinnitty village

The Mountain Top Route is 12km long, or 30km when you factor in the connecting River Run and Kinnitty Blue Loops.